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Dog Breeds

Fluffy French Bulldog — Breed Guide & Care Tips Breeds

If you’re a little confused about the appearance of a fluffy French Bulldog, you’re not alone. 

These dogs look like Bulldogs, but their coat is different. Most people think that the long-haired Frenchie is a hybrid, but is it? And why does it have a different coat? Read on to learn the answers to these questions and more:

  • How Is the Fluffy Frenchie Different From Its Parents?
  • What Is a Fluffy Frenchie Mixed With?
  • Physical Appearance 
  • Temperament
  • Grooming and Cleaning Needs
  • Training and Exercise Needs
  • Lifespan and Common Health Issues
  • Dietary Requirements
  • What’s the Fluffy French Bulldog Price?
  • Facts About Long-Haired Frenchies

How Is the Fluffy French Bulldog Different From Its Parents?

For starters, the parents are pure French Bulldogs. The fluffiness results from a rare FGF5 gene mutation. One or both parents carry the recessive gene, which manifests in their offspring. 

That’s why these dogs have unusually longer hair and are quite rare. So, ignore the breeders who advertise it as a crossbreed. It’s purely genetics, and breeders have little to no control over it.

What Is a Fluffy Frenchie Mixed With?

The Fluffy Bulldog is purebred. Its origin is due to the mix between the English Bulldog and ratter dogs with long hair, which still has traces in the genes.

Physical Appearance

If you’re looking for French Bulldog mix dogs, know that this one isn’t among them. 

The unique French Bulldog fluffy gene makes these dogs look different, but they’re still the same. They just have more hair on the chest, mane, and around the ears.

The standard coat colors for these dogs include:

  • White Fluffy French Bulldog — It can be purely white or with shades of cream.
  • Black Frenchie — These are quite common. The coat can be purely black or with a few white markings, especially on the chest or backside.
  • Blue Fluffy French Bulldog — It has two dominant colors: silver, gray, or tan. Some have a few white strands.
  • Lilac and Fawn Fluffy French Bulldog — The coat combines two or more colors. Usually, they have an Isabella or fawn base combined with diluted black or lilac hues.
  • Merle Fluffy Frenchie — Merle is an incompletely dominant color with irregular patterns and diluted pigments.

How Big Can Is This Breed?

It’s similar to a standard French Bulldog. Generally, they grow up to 11–13 inches tall. The males are heavier than the females, weighing approximately 20–28 pounds, and the females are around 16–24 pounds.


As a result of intentional breeding over 200 years ago for a companion dog, the breed has retained its amiable nature. 

Generally, the hairy Frenchie is a good pet. But they require a lot of attention and don’t tolerate being left alone for long. The fluffy Bulldog is highly susceptible to separation anxiety. So loneliness can result in stubbornness and other unpleasant behavior such as digging, chewing, barking, or pacing. 

Here are the reasons why this breed makes an excellent companion dog:

  • Loves pleasing people
  • Intelligent, so training is easy and fast
  • Affectionate to children and other pets
  • Very playful and alert

Due to its amiable personality, a Frenchie’s loyalty can shift easily as long as it gets a nice treat or head rub. Overall, it’s not a trustworthy guard dog.

Grooming and Cleaning Needs

The fluffy French Bulldog has long, wavy hair that’s not prone to tangles. So, it’s easy to groom. You only need to brush it once or twice a week. But expect to find a lot more hair during shedding season when you’ll have to brush the hair more often.

The face requires additional grooming care. The wrinkles trap moisture, and if unattended, it causes bacterial infection. To avoid moisture build-up, you should wipe in between the wrinkles daily. Also, remember to cut the nails and clean your dog’s ears occasionally.

You only have to bathe this dog when necessary. For instance, if it plays in the mud or you notice a funny smell. Otherwise, the fluffy Frenchie breed doesn’t require regular bathing. If you do it too often, that will strip it off the protective oil barrier and expose your dog to skin irritation. Regular brushing is enough to keep the coat shiny and healthy.

Training and Exercise Needs

It’s faster and easier to train a fluffy Frenchie puppy than an adult dog. But you’ll need more patience as opposed to a short-haired one. Still, due to their loving personality, they’re easier to train compared to other breeds. Also, they have above-average intelligence, so they can learn and obey most commands.

Early socialization is necessary to help it develop into a well-rounded dog. It’s best to introduce it to children and other pets from puppyhood. That helps curb bad behavior, like aggression, barking unnecessarily, jumping on people, or chewing things.

The long-haired Frenchie doesn’t require many physical activities. Mild exercises or short daily walks are enough for this dog. Too much exercise can result in heavy breathing, which isn’t advisable due to their flat face.

Lifespan and Common Health Issues

The life expectancy of an adult fluffy Frenchie is approximately 10–14 years. To reach its prime age, you must ensure it’s as healthy as possible. Regular exercises, high-quality meals, and vet checkups are key to a long life.

Like other breeds, the hairy Frenchie is vulnerable to some diseases. Let’s find out what they are.

Breathing Issues

Due to their flat faces, these dogs may deal with Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome, i.e., breathing difficulties. It’s best not to expose them to hot environments or rigorous exercises. Also, don’t keep their crates in a humid place.

Patella Luxation

All types of Frenchie Bulldogs are susceptible to patella dislocations, i.e., problems extending knee joints. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial, or the dog becomes lame.

Skin Allergies

Food, fleas, or environmental factors can all cause allergies. You can use a dog allergy testing kit to determine if your dog has one. Symptoms to look out for include inflamed, itchy, or scabbed skin.

Hip Dysplasia

It’s a common health issue that affects one out of three furry Frenchie dogs. The main symptom is limping on any of the hind legs. If you notice that, take your pet for a hip examination immediately.


Another condition that may affect this breed is a skeletal deformity that causes damaged or smashed veins. A dog with this health condition may experience incontinence or ataxia.

Eye Issues 

Most French Bulldogs are vulnerable to numerous eye issues due to their facial structure. Here are the ones to look out for:

  • Cherry eye — It occurs when your dog’s third eyelid is inflamed. Although it’s not painful, it might impair the dog’s vision.
  • Juvenile Cataracts — The condition inhibits light from reaching the retina and impairs vision.
  • Entropion — It causes the eyelids of your Fluffy Frenchie to roll inward. Other eye issues that might develop due to this condition include perforations, glaucoma, and corneal ulcers.

Reproduction Issues.

At least 80% of the litters are fertilized through artificial insemination and birthed through cesarean.

The issue occurs due to their small hips, making it hard for the male to mount the female properly. Also, the birth canal is too small to birth puppies naturally.

To avoid more health issues of hairy Frenchies, provide a proper diet with adequate vitamins and supplements that support eyes, joints, and general health. 

Ensure the toys and play area are safe. Also, consider installing artificial turf grass for dogs because it’s anti-skid. It’ll keep the dog safe while playing or running around.

Dietary Requirements

The Furry Frenchie feeding requirements are similar to those of a French Bulldog. Like other breeds, a good diet is essential to well-being. The meals and treats should contain minerals and vitamins that help your dog stay in shape. 

Both overfeeding and underfeeding your pet can cause health issues, like obesity or malnourishment, which are both detrimental to its health.

What’s the Fluffy French Bulldog Price?

They’re are quite rare, so they’re a bit pricey. Note that the price varies depending on the breeder. On average a male puppy will cost $13,000–$15,000, while a female is $14,000–$16,000.

But you can get this breed without coughing such a hefty sum through adoption. Although rare, you might find it in some rescue homes. Be on the lookout and visit nearby rescue centers.

Facts About Long-Haired Frenchies

  1. A fluffy French Bulldog cannot swim. They have short legs and body structure that prevents them from enjoying this activity. They get tired quickly, and it’s hard for them to keep their heads above the water. Coupled with their breathing problems, they might even drown if they try swimming.
  2. Frenchies don’t bark a lot. They mostly communicate through other sounds or gestures.
  3. They love and enjoy your attention. But that’s why they also have separation anxiety.
  4. They were intentionally bred for companionship in the 1800s.
  5. Most airlines don’t allow them to fly due to their breathing issues. High altitudes cause air shortness, so a fuzzy French Bulldog can strain or even die.
  6. They deliver puppies through a cesarean section. Giving natural birth is impossible because they have narrow hips.


These dogs are easy to train and freely socialize with other pets and children. Due to their amiable nature, they’re among the best family dogs. That said, they require proper training to nip bad habits before they get out of hand.

The breed is suitable for experienced dog owners as it comes with many complicated health issues. But these dogs love being around people. Also, grooming, feeding, and exercising them is quite easy. Generally, the fluffy French Bulldog is the same as the French Bulldog, except they have different hair due to a gene mutation. If you decide to get this breed, you should first learn all about its possible issues to prepare.

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